What a joy to read John's splendid post of the Puncak traverse! John and Jody have opened my eyes to some alternative routes that I have never explored since I began walking the foothills in 1991. Sorry I couldn't join you that day but thanks for the invite.
I now link back to a 30 October posting about the C3 detour on my blog. Your journal illuminates an important alternative exit for route C3. After climbing from the ex-outpost (point C) to Pr Mandalawangi and reaching point D, one can return to point B by way of Gn Joglo, as you have done. This circuit would be less hazardous than the ascent to the Puncak and would bring one back to the Start. Further, I remain curious about the path leading up Gn Gegerbenteng from the saddle point on Pr Mandalawangi, mentioned on 30 Oct. The path was not there some years ago when I passed this way. Given the deteriorating conditions on the Gn Gegerbenteng traverse, I would not be surprised if the locals have opened a new traverse higher up the mountain. I look forward to exploring this alternative myself next year, if someone else does not get there first.
I am curious about your route beyond point B. In your place, I would probably have gone from point B to point A, then turned left on the stone road and contoured around the upper end of the tea plantation, where you seem to have ended up anyway. Which of these routes looks preferable to you?
At the rate you guys are going, you'll soon finish trekking the ring route in sectors B, C, D, and E. You are innovating as you go along. How'd you like to write a guidebook to the ringroute in those 4 sectors, with photos and GPS coordinates?
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Pitcher plants in Puncak

I'd like to add a couple of photos to the account of the Cibodas to Taman Safari walk below.
Besides the large mushroom in the picture we also found a small pitcher plant during the ascent of Gunung Joglo. Does anyone know if these are common in the Puncak forests? Are there lots of different kinds? Are they climbers or ground-growing? We haven't found many, but perhaps that's because we haven't been looking very closely!
The view is looking down toward the Puncak Pass hotel and surrounding area from Pasir Pangsalatan, just before reaching the Puncak ridgeline. To the right is the view back toward Cipanas from the same spot. This section of the route is quite thickly wooded so we were lucky to find a small opening in the vegetation to shoot these pictures.

Sunday, December 14, 2008
Cibodas to Taman Safari- A Puncak Traverse
After our November walk between Taman Safari and Arca, we contemplated the next enticing stage of the ring route, a traverse across the Puncak ridge from Cibodas on the Cianjur side to Taman Safari on the Bogor side. Although it would be possible to break this into shorter sections, the prospect of connecting Puncak's two most celebrated tourist attractions- Cibodas Botanical Gardens and Taman Safari Indonesia- with a single "classic" hike was too enticing to resist.
And so it was that we (i.e. Jody Randell and I) set out on Saturday December 13th, starting at 6.30 from just in front of the large entrance toll gate to the Cibodas recreation area.
Using the Sector D (Cipanas) map we mainly followed the red ring route arrows, (though of course in the reverse direction to that marked on the map). From the crossroads 100m below the gate, descend northwest and take the footpath to the left of the lone villa. This turns into a comfortable asphalt track that winds into the valley past a dilapidated tennis court. Take the footpath on the left shortly after the tennis court, cross the concrete footbridge over the stream, cross the vegetable fields for 50m and then head left up the slope toward Hartono garden. (We must have missed the earlier stream crossing marked on the map.)
Enjoy the fine views back toward the villages along the Cibodas road and then enter the cool shade of the beautiful Hartono garden, keeping on the uppermost of the various flower-lined footpaths. (The more leisurely D1 circle route allows ample time to explore the gardens in all their glory.) Exit the garden at the north gate, continue 100m or so and then head right up the slope through the cabbage fields. We got lost in the tomatoes but the farmers were there to set us back on the right track, past the large water tanks onto the ridge top. Once there, one's position is unmistakeable as it affords sweeping views of Kampung Gegerbentang in the valley on the north side, Gede and Pangrango beyond the forest to the south, and all the hills and plateaux of the Cianjur regency spread out behind you.
Heading up the ridge we passed a plantation of temptingly juicy arbei and then, 1 hour 30 minutes after setting out, we entered the forest, passing a wooden sign marked Pasir Buntu. The first section in the forest is a pleasant stroll on a narrowing, with occasional vistas right beyond the Cibodas parking area and on to Gunungputri village (start of the D2 circle route). Freshly painted steel posts have been planted every 100m along the route, which is obviously popular with woodcutters. (At this point we transfer from the western edge of the Cipanas map square D' to the eastern edge of the Cisarua map square J.)
After the 1000m marker the path forks, with the steel posts taking the right fork to Legokbabah and our ridge path heading left, marked by friendly orange ribbons tied on a tree here and there. The heart poundingly steep stretch begins as you approach 1500m altitude but the path is mostly dry and offers a firm footing. Higher up the gradient slackens but the path becomes tougher as it veers right off the ridge line and becomes narrow and treacherous. To compensate, the occasional clearings in the vegetation afford broad views across to the Puncak watershed, the radio towers familiar from the C3 and C4 circle route, and all the hotels, villas and restaurants on the Cianjur slope.
Eventually, with 5.5 km covered in 3 hours shown on the GPS, we reached the four-way junction on the Gegerbentang ridge, a comfortable rest stop with enough space to pitch a tent. From here, the summit of Gegerbentang (2042m) is temptingly close, less than 200m above us. But with many kilometers and an unfamiliar trek over Gunung Joglo still ahead of us, we decided to leave the summit for another day. (The quickest route up and down is probably from Cibodas and back down the same way, or descending directly to the Puncak highway.)
From this junction, our route (the middle of the three paths before us) contoured around the northwest slope of Gegerbentang, passing over plenty of fallen trees that threatened to block off the route but never quite did. The distant wail of the loudspeakers from Cibodas, that had accompanied us on the ascent, was replaced by the alternative wail of the speakers from Gunung Mas, wafting in and out of the mist that now shrouded us against the wooded slopes. After reaching our day's high point of 1900masl we descended the western ridge of Gegerbentang. After several hours on unfamiliar paths, the fourway clearing which is point D on the C3 circle seemed comfortingly familiar and pleasantly silent, as the loudspeakers finally faded completely. At this point we were 7.9km and four hours from our start point, but fortified ourselves with sandwiches and fruit.
(On the map the marked ring route passes through Kampung Mandalawangi, point C on the C3 circle route, and then follows the lower C3 path along the side of the valley.
Alex, in his trekking blog
describes two routes for passing from Kampung Mandalawangi to the Puncak ridgeline as part of the C3 walk. One route involves ascending from Kampung Mandalawangi to the 1900m high point mentioned above, then descending as we did to the point D clearing where we stopped for sandwiches and continuing the C3 path as marked on the map. The second route involves ascending from Kampung Mandalawangi to the 1900m high point, then contouring around Gunung Gegerbentang to the fourway junction on the Gegerbentang ridge i.e. our route in reverse, and then descending toward the main Puncak highway.
I walked the C3 route twice last year; the first time it was hard to find the marked trail from point C to point D and both times it was hard to find the last section of the trail approaching point E as the path seems to peter out in some secondary forest growth. As an alternative route from point C to point E, I guess it would be best to follow Alex's second route, asending from Kampung Mandalawangi to the Gegerbentang west ridge, and then contouring around to the Gegerbentang north ridge. The path was treacherously slippy but easy to follow whereas the D to E path marked on the map was treacherous and difficult to follow.)
But now let's conclude our sandwich break at the C3 point D clearing and begin the traverse westwards over Gunung Joglo.
From the clearing the Gunung Joglo path first descends to a broad saddle and then rises again before following a flattish ridgeline. The path here is surprisingly well-trodden and marked by blue ribbons strung on trees. There are a couple of indistinct passages and one section atop a small knoll in serious need of a machete, but on much of the flat ridge top the tree cover is light and the path remarkably reminiscent of a walk in the park! The only obstacles are the inevitable thorny creepers and occasional low-hanging branches. Keep in mind also that this is leech country. Leech haters can take the well-known precaution of dipping socks in tobacco juice, while the more leech-friendly might simply wait for a rest stop before hauling the little creatures out from under a bootlace and flicking them away.
The summit of Gunung Joglo (1844m) is a broad, thinly-wooded knoll with a large space for several tents, though still pleasantly free from the plastic garbage that often mars forest shelter sites. On the west side the path soon starts to drop quite steeply; the cautious will tread gingerly throughout the descent. Eventually there is an almost sheer 3 meter drop requiring hand holds and the path joins the C3 circle route in a grassy clearing. Head right for 50m, then left to descend to the narrow shelf which is point B on the C3 route.
From this point, which we reached 6 hours 30 minutes and 10.8 km after setting out, the shortest exit, and the safest in bad weather, would probably be to turn right along the C3 path down to the Gunung Mas plantation and out via the tea tracks. We, however, set our course for Taman Safari, taking the path down to the left. After passing a large camping area, where there is also a path diverging up the slope, the route desends steeply; if anything it is steeper, trickier and more overgrown than the route down Gunung Joglo. Avoid the woodcutter's path off to the right, which appears to be a dead end, and keep descending until you come to a t-junction where a white plastic pipe runs just under the soil. A few meters to the left water gushes from a hole in the pipe, offering a welcome chance for a wash and a drink refill.
The path to Taman Safari heads to the right, following the pipe downwards and passing a concrete dam before finally joining a betterl-trodden and flatter path. Head right here to pass a raised concrete water tank and then hear a stream that comes in from the right. Just before the stream is a grassy trail on the left toward Taman Safari. Our hope of a shortcut to the tiger enclosure was foiled however by the park's wire boundary fence, a steep drop on the other side and some vicious stinging nettles that will plague anyone who has survived the pricks and thorns of Gunung Joglo unscathed. We returned to the stream, crossed it and then contoured up out of the valley, looking across to the park's spreading flame trees and African tulip trees, nestled beneath us. As we came down Gunung Joglo we had begun to hear the loudspeakers and exultant shouting of the visitors at the outbound center, and now we were able to glimpse them, as well as a few cars touring into the herbivore section of the park. While walking the C2 route last year, we even manged to spot zebras and elephants, but on this occasion they appeared to be well-concealed under the shady leaves.
On emerging from the valley the complexion of the landscape changes again and you face tea plantations with their crisscrossing paths, neatly spread villas and their manicured lawns, a sharp contrast to the dense, unruly vegetation of the last eight hours!
Turn left as you enter the tea and follow the boundary on the left between the plantation and the scrub for about 200m. Dip out of the tea plantation onto a narrow footpath to the left, hemmed in by the mesh boundary fence of Taman Safari on one side and an iron fence marking off land for villa construction on the other. Over the precipice on your left are the auxiliary buildings and entrance roads to Taman Safari, reminding you of the impressive size and scale of the whole enterprise. This path emerges at the corner of a field, where you proceed right for 30m to find the head of an asphalt road.
At this point the rain, which had been menacing all afternoon, finally began to teem down. The timing was fine by us as from this point the walk is simply a pleasant jaunt past the intriguingly varied villas, including several under construction, of the Cibereum hillside. At 4.00p.m., 9 hours 30 minutes and 17 km after starting out, we rolled into the Cibereum market square to indulge in warmly grilled corn and somewhat less warm beer.
What a satisfying hike! How glorious that travelling from Cibodas to Taman Safari can mean so much more than a traffic jam! What a sense of new vision one gets from linking those two so familiar landmarks of Puncak tourism in a novel, and, for us, previously unimagined way!
I would certainly be interested to hear from anyone who has walked this route before.
For anyone thinking of following us I can recommend the route highly, although one should certainly become comfortable first using the WIPA maps and hiking over the various kinds of terrain shown on them, as this is an arduous day's hike. But we went at a sedate pace, and fit and experienced walkers would probably require much less than our 9 hours 30 minutes.
It would be a challenge to cover the route in the opposite direction, from Taman Safari to Cibodas, but I believe our route was preferable. First, for those returning directly to Bogor/ Jakarta, it cuts down the potential length of the traffic jam on th eride home! Second, it involves less climbing, starting from 1280m, climbing to 1900m and then descending to 1070m. Third, the most spectacular scenery, on the Pasir Pangsalatan above the Hartono garden, is encountered early in the morning, before the clouds roll in. Fourth, the most treacherous parts of the hike, contouring around Gunung Gegerbentang, are also encountered fairly early on, before fatigue saps away the balance and spring that are necessary to keep a safe footing on the subsiding footpaths.
I hope the above description inspires a few people to head out and explore the beautiful Puncak countryside. Our walk certainly inspired us to feel gratitude and respect for the people who originally cut the trails, and the people who mapped them!
And so it was that we (i.e. Jody Randell and I) set out on Saturday December 13th, starting at 6.30 from just in front of the large entrance toll gate to the Cibodas recreation area.
Using the Sector D (Cipanas) map we mainly followed the red ring route arrows, (though of course in the reverse direction to that marked on the map). From the crossroads 100m below the gate, descend northwest and take the footpath to the left of the lone villa. This turns into a comfortable asphalt track that winds into the valley past a dilapidated tennis court. Take the footpath on the left shortly after the tennis court, cross the concrete footbridge over the stream, cross the vegetable fields for 50m and then head left up the slope toward Hartono garden. (We must have missed the earlier stream crossing marked on the map.)
Enjoy the fine views back toward the villages along the Cibodas road and then enter the cool shade of the beautiful Hartono garden, keeping on the uppermost of the various flower-lined footpaths. (The more leisurely D1 circle route allows ample time to explore the gardens in all their glory.) Exit the garden at the north gate, continue 100m or so and then head right up the slope through the cabbage fields. We got lost in the tomatoes but the farmers were there to set us back on the right track, past the large water tanks onto the ridge top. Once there, one's position is unmistakeable as it affords sweeping views of Kampung Gegerbentang in the valley on the north side, Gede and Pangrango beyond the forest to the south, and all the hills and plateaux of the Cianjur regency spread out behind you.
Heading up the ridge we passed a plantation of temptingly juicy arbei and then, 1 hour 30 minutes after setting out, we entered the forest, passing a wooden sign marked Pasir Buntu. The first section in the forest is a pleasant stroll on a narrowing, with occasional vistas right beyond the Cibodas parking area and on to Gunungputri village (start of the D2 circle route). Freshly painted steel posts have been planted every 100m along the route, which is obviously popular with woodcutters. (At this point we transfer from the western edge of the Cipanas map square D' to the eastern edge of the Cisarua map square J.)
After the 1000m marker the path forks, with the steel posts taking the right fork to Legokbabah and our ridge path heading left, marked by friendly orange ribbons tied on a tree here and there. The heart poundingly steep stretch begins as you approach 1500m altitude but the path is mostly dry and offers a firm footing. Higher up the gradient slackens but the path becomes tougher as it veers right off the ridge line and becomes narrow and treacherous. To compensate, the occasional clearings in the vegetation afford broad views across to the Puncak watershed, the radio towers familiar from the C3 and C4 circle route, and all the hotels, villas and restaurants on the Cianjur slope.
Eventually, with 5.5 km covered in 3 hours shown on the GPS, we reached the four-way junction on the Gegerbentang ridge, a comfortable rest stop with enough space to pitch a tent. From here, the summit of Gegerbentang (2042m) is temptingly close, less than 200m above us. But with many kilometers and an unfamiliar trek over Gunung Joglo still ahead of us, we decided to leave the summit for another day. (The quickest route up and down is probably from Cibodas and back down the same way, or descending directly to the Puncak highway.)
From this junction, our route (the middle of the three paths before us) contoured around the northwest slope of Gegerbentang, passing over plenty of fallen trees that threatened to block off the route but never quite did. The distant wail of the loudspeakers from Cibodas, that had accompanied us on the ascent, was replaced by the alternative wail of the speakers from Gunung Mas, wafting in and out of the mist that now shrouded us against the wooded slopes. After reaching our day's high point of 1900masl we descended the western ridge of Gegerbentang. After several hours on unfamiliar paths, the fourway clearing which is point D on the C3 circle seemed comfortingly familiar and pleasantly silent, as the loudspeakers finally faded completely. At this point we were 7.9km and four hours from our start point, but fortified ourselves with sandwiches and fruit.
(On the map the marked ring route passes through Kampung Mandalawangi, point C on the C3 circle route, and then follows the lower C3 path along the side of the valley.
Alex, in his trekking blog
describes two routes for passing from Kampung Mandalawangi to the Puncak ridgeline as part of the C3 walk. One route involves ascending from Kampung Mandalawangi to the 1900m high point mentioned above, then descending as we did to the point D clearing where we stopped for sandwiches and continuing the C3 path as marked on the map. The second route involves ascending from Kampung Mandalawangi to the 1900m high point, then contouring around Gunung Gegerbentang to the fourway junction on the Gegerbentang ridge i.e. our route in reverse, and then descending toward the main Puncak highway.
I walked the C3 route twice last year; the first time it was hard to find the marked trail from point C to point D and both times it was hard to find the last section of the trail approaching point E as the path seems to peter out in some secondary forest growth. As an alternative route from point C to point E, I guess it would be best to follow Alex's second route, asending from Kampung Mandalawangi to the Gegerbentang west ridge, and then contouring around to the Gegerbentang north ridge. The path was treacherously slippy but easy to follow whereas the D to E path marked on the map was treacherous and difficult to follow.)
But now let's conclude our sandwich break at the C3 point D clearing and begin the traverse westwards over Gunung Joglo.
From the clearing the Gunung Joglo path first descends to a broad saddle and then rises again before following a flattish ridgeline. The path here is surprisingly well-trodden and marked by blue ribbons strung on trees. There are a couple of indistinct passages and one section atop a small knoll in serious need of a machete, but on much of the flat ridge top the tree cover is light and the path remarkably reminiscent of a walk in the park! The only obstacles are the inevitable thorny creepers and occasional low-hanging branches. Keep in mind also that this is leech country. Leech haters can take the well-known precaution of dipping socks in tobacco juice, while the more leech-friendly might simply wait for a rest stop before hauling the little creatures out from under a bootlace and flicking them away.
The summit of Gunung Joglo (1844m) is a broad, thinly-wooded knoll with a large space for several tents, though still pleasantly free from the plastic garbage that often mars forest shelter sites. On the west side the path soon starts to drop quite steeply; the cautious will tread gingerly throughout the descent. Eventually there is an almost sheer 3 meter drop requiring hand holds and the path joins the C3 circle route in a grassy clearing. Head right for 50m, then left to descend to the narrow shelf which is point B on the C3 route.
From this point, which we reached 6 hours 30 minutes and 10.8 km after setting out, the shortest exit, and the safest in bad weather, would probably be to turn right along the C3 path down to the Gunung Mas plantation and out via the tea tracks. We, however, set our course for Taman Safari, taking the path down to the left. After passing a large camping area, where there is also a path diverging up the slope, the route desends steeply; if anything it is steeper, trickier and more overgrown than the route down Gunung Joglo. Avoid the woodcutter's path off to the right, which appears to be a dead end, and keep descending until you come to a t-junction where a white plastic pipe runs just under the soil. A few meters to the left water gushes from a hole in the pipe, offering a welcome chance for a wash and a drink refill.
The path to Taman Safari heads to the right, following the pipe downwards and passing a concrete dam before finally joining a betterl-trodden and flatter path. Head right here to pass a raised concrete water tank and then hear a stream that comes in from the right. Just before the stream is a grassy trail on the left toward Taman Safari. Our hope of a shortcut to the tiger enclosure was foiled however by the park's wire boundary fence, a steep drop on the other side and some vicious stinging nettles that will plague anyone who has survived the pricks and thorns of Gunung Joglo unscathed. We returned to the stream, crossed it and then contoured up out of the valley, looking across to the park's spreading flame trees and African tulip trees, nestled beneath us. As we came down Gunung Joglo we had begun to hear the loudspeakers and exultant shouting of the visitors at the outbound center, and now we were able to glimpse them, as well as a few cars touring into the herbivore section of the park. While walking the C2 route last year, we even manged to spot zebras and elephants, but on this occasion they appeared to be well-concealed under the shady leaves.
On emerging from the valley the complexion of the landscape changes again and you face tea plantations with their crisscrossing paths, neatly spread villas and their manicured lawns, a sharp contrast to the dense, unruly vegetation of the last eight hours!
Turn left as you enter the tea and follow the boundary on the left between the plantation and the scrub for about 200m. Dip out of the tea plantation onto a narrow footpath to the left, hemmed in by the mesh boundary fence of Taman Safari on one side and an iron fence marking off land for villa construction on the other. Over the precipice on your left are the auxiliary buildings and entrance roads to Taman Safari, reminding you of the impressive size and scale of the whole enterprise. This path emerges at the corner of a field, where you proceed right for 30m to find the head of an asphalt road.
At this point the rain, which had been menacing all afternoon, finally began to teem down. The timing was fine by us as from this point the walk is simply a pleasant jaunt past the intriguingly varied villas, including several under construction, of the Cibereum hillside. At 4.00p.m., 9 hours 30 minutes and 17 km after starting out, we rolled into the Cibereum market square to indulge in warmly grilled corn and somewhat less warm beer.
What a satisfying hike! How glorious that travelling from Cibodas to Taman Safari can mean so much more than a traffic jam! What a sense of new vision one gets from linking those two so familiar landmarks of Puncak tourism in a novel, and, for us, previously unimagined way!
I would certainly be interested to hear from anyone who has walked this route before.
For anyone thinking of following us I can recommend the route highly, although one should certainly become comfortable first using the WIPA maps and hiking over the various kinds of terrain shown on them, as this is an arduous day's hike. But we went at a sedate pace, and fit and experienced walkers would probably require much less than our 9 hours 30 minutes.
It would be a challenge to cover the route in the opposite direction, from Taman Safari to Cibodas, but I believe our route was preferable. First, for those returning directly to Bogor/ Jakarta, it cuts down the potential length of the traffic jam on th eride home! Second, it involves less climbing, starting from 1280m, climbing to 1900m and then descending to 1070m. Third, the most spectacular scenery, on the Pasir Pangsalatan above the Hartono garden, is encountered early in the morning, before the clouds roll in. Fourth, the most treacherous parts of the hike, contouring around Gunung Gegerbentang, are also encountered fairly early on, before fatigue saps away the balance and spring that are necessary to keep a safe footing on the subsiding footpaths.
I hope the above description inspires a few people to head out and explore the beautiful Puncak countryside. Our walk certainly inspired us to feel gratitude and respect for the people who originally cut the trails, and the people who mapped them!
Monday, December 8, 2008
Top Teen Trek
This posting was prepared by Robert Baldwin, who lives in Pancawati.
This was a 2-day hike with high school kids from the British International School, their second venture with me into the foothills of Mt Pangrango.
We started from Cipare at 9:30 on Saturday 6 December. Good weather meant the views of Mt Salak on the walk to Pancawati village were terrific. The descent into Nangleng valley was slick, recent rains having created a few small landslides. We headed up the Pondokcatang ridge and breakfasted just before entering the forest at 10:30, the two streams below providing superb background music. This track is well-travelled, villages often using the trails to gather firewood. Small trails often lead out from the wood gathering stations. An hour into the forest and Will was struggling to keep up. Then he slipped, a sharp stick piercing the skin on his shin. First aid was applied, then we reached point B and turned right. The descent proved prickly, the rattan bordering this trail loved catching on backpacks, hats and clothes. The weather “gods” were extremely good to us and our descent into Luewisapi was bathed in sunshine. At 1:30 we lunched beside the Ci Mande then traversed Luewisapi village. A final rest in the valley the Ci Mande, before the hard slog out of the valley back to Pancawati by 3:30 pm.
All the teams pitched their tents. By 5 the tents were up, the rain had held off. Cameron fired up a bonfire. With darkness approaching all teams cooked themselves a “gourmet” meal. Ardy excelling in as chef and all seemed more than happy with their cooking results. Baldy’s barby of steaks and snags kept the leadership happy. By 8:00 cleanup was over and all teams were in their tents, a stiff breeze blowing. Tom was up barking orders at 05:15. The night had been cold, the sleeping fair, and the weather kind. Breaking camp took longer than anticipated. Backpack checks showed the trekkers had greatly improved their packing skills. Packs sat straighter and weight distribution was better.Some cooked breakfast, others ate snacks and pre-cooked food. By 7:15 the campsite was spick and span, tents packed away, trekkers full and ready for another day on the road. We walked back to Cipare to get buses to Pondokmentang. At Luewilarangan an aquaduct above the road threw a spanner into our “not-so-well-thought-out” plans. The 22 seater could not get under the duct, the air-con unit on top 10 cm too high. The smaller bus took the first group to Pondokmenteng and returned to pick the second group of hikers, who had meanwhile strolled on the LBC road. This was a bit like walking through the Jakarta Hamptons – lots of beautiful villas with manicured gardens. We left Pondokmenteng to follow the Ring Route to the northeast at 8:30.
The grand old daddy of Puncak trekking, Alex Korns, joined us at Pondokmenteng. Again the weather was great. The valley trails were still slick early in the morning, all trekkers spending time on their rumps, slipping and sliding on descents. With time lost early, new schedules were set and the hike’s tempo increased. We crossed the Ci Pondokmenteg, the Ci Bedug, the Ci Salada, and the Ci Ledug.With noon approaching we were ascending out of the last valley, the Ci Kereteg. The valley was magnificent, carpeted with Oz green padi fields, bordered by lush forests at the top. A truly beautiful view to cap off a great weekend. We arrived at Arca at twelve, had lunch and listened to Alex’s narrative about the history of the German military cemetery at Arca. From Arca we walked the final 2k back to Sukaresmi to get back on the buses for Jakarta. All trekkers reached the buses with plenty still in the tank.Many, many thanks to all involved, to Tom for organizing the trip and providing superb leadership, to the teens – it was a real pleasure sharing a couple of days with you. To Empad, Entab, Jeje and Chandra for carrying drinks in and garbage out, to Nina for managing the camp site.
This was a 2-day hike with high school kids from the British International School, their second venture with me into the foothills of Mt Pangrango.
We started from Cipare at 9:30 on Saturday 6 December. Good weather meant the views of Mt Salak on the walk to Pancawati village were terrific. The descent into Nangleng valley was slick, recent rains having created a few small landslides. We headed up the Pondokcatang ridge and breakfasted just before entering the forest at 10:30, the two streams below providing superb background music. This track is well-travelled, villages often using the trails to gather firewood. Small trails often lead out from the wood gathering stations. An hour into the forest and Will was struggling to keep up. Then he slipped, a sharp stick piercing the skin on his shin. First aid was applied, then we reached point B and turned right. The descent proved prickly, the rattan bordering this trail loved catching on backpacks, hats and clothes. The weather “gods” were extremely good to us and our descent into Luewisapi was bathed in sunshine. At 1:30 we lunched beside the Ci Mande then traversed Luewisapi village. A final rest in the valley the Ci Mande, before the hard slog out of the valley back to Pancawati by 3:30 pm.
All the teams pitched their tents. By 5 the tents were up, the rain had held off. Cameron fired up a bonfire. With darkness approaching all teams cooked themselves a “gourmet” meal. Ardy excelling in as chef and all seemed more than happy with their cooking results. Baldy’s barby of steaks and snags kept the leadership happy. By 8:00 cleanup was over and all teams were in their tents, a stiff breeze blowing. Tom was up barking orders at 05:15. The night had been cold, the sleeping fair, and the weather kind. Breaking camp took longer than anticipated. Backpack checks showed the trekkers had greatly improved their packing skills. Packs sat straighter and weight distribution was better.Some cooked breakfast, others ate snacks and pre-cooked food. By 7:15 the campsite was spick and span, tents packed away, trekkers full and ready for another day on the road. We walked back to Cipare to get buses to Pondokmentang. At Luewilarangan an aquaduct above the road threw a spanner into our “not-so-well-thought-out” plans. The 22 seater could not get under the duct, the air-con unit on top 10 cm too high. The smaller bus took the first group to Pondokmenteng and returned to pick the second group of hikers, who had meanwhile strolled on the LBC road. This was a bit like walking through the Jakarta Hamptons – lots of beautiful villas with manicured gardens. We left Pondokmenteng to follow the Ring Route to the northeast at 8:30.
The grand old daddy of Puncak trekking, Alex Korns, joined us at Pondokmenteng. Again the weather was great. The valley trails were still slick early in the morning, all trekkers spending time on their rumps, slipping and sliding on descents. With time lost early, new schedules were set and the hike’s tempo increased. We crossed the Ci Pondokmenteg, the Ci Bedug, the Ci Salada, and the Ci Ledug.With noon approaching we were ascending out of the last valley, the Ci Kereteg. The valley was magnificent, carpeted with Oz green padi fields, bordered by lush forests at the top. A truly beautiful view to cap off a great weekend. We arrived at Arca at twelve, had lunch and listened to Alex’s narrative about the history of the German military cemetery at Arca. From Arca we walked the final 2k back to Sukaresmi to get back on the buses for Jakarta. All trekkers reached the buses with plenty still in the tank.Many, many thanks to all involved, to Tom for organizing the trip and providing superb leadership, to the teens – it was a real pleasure sharing a couple of days with you. To Empad, Entab, Jeje and Chandra for carrying drinks in and garbage out, to Nina for managing the camp site.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
The Disappearing Gong-gong Bird
Since 1991, when I first began walking in the forests around the foothills of Gn Gede and Pangrango, I have become accustomed to the call of the gong-gong bird, the puyuh gonggong. The haunting double-hoot of this ground-bird can be heard over long distances.
I have never seen this bird, and have recently begun to hear it less and less often. On Sunday 30 November, the reason for its gradual disappearance became clear, as I was walking with Robert Baldwin of Pancawati down the well-forested ridgeline of Pr Kramat, near to the village of Pancawati in sector B.
We were puzzled to see many holes in the ground beside the trail, that looked as if they had been dug recently with a shovel. At one of them, I saw an oddly-shaped inverted "basket" beside the hole. Our guide Pk Empad explained that this was an ingenious trap for the gonggong bird. There were actually two holes, one open and the other below the basket, with a "tunnel" between the holes. When in use, the open hole is to be covered with many leaves, so that a heavy walking bird might fall into the hole and fail to see any light above him. Instead, he would see light at the end of the tunnel, which would lead him to work his way into the second hole and thence up to the basket from which he could no longer escape.
"The gong-gong bird has become rare in the forest, most of them have gone to the city", joked the younger of our two guides. ("Burung gong2 sudah jadi langkah di hutan, kebanyakan di kota".)

We were puzzled to see many holes in the ground beside the trail, that looked as if they had been dug recently with a shovel. At one of them, I saw an oddly-shaped inverted "basket" beside the hole. Our guide Pk Empad explained that this was an ingenious trap for the gonggong bird. There were actually two holes, one open and the other below the basket, with a "tunnel" between the holes. When in use, the open hole is to be covered with many leaves, so that a heavy walking bird might fall into the hole and fail to see any light above him. Instead, he would see light at the end of the tunnel, which would lead him to work his way into the second hole and thence up to the basket from which he could no longer escape.
"The gong-gong bird has become rare in the forest, most of them have gone to the city", joked the younger of our two guides. ("Burung gong2 sudah jadi langkah di hutan, kebanyakan di kota".)
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Afloat in the Cisukabirus (B4)

Thanks John for that account. I just want to add a photo of our friend Jody Randall, enjoying his cool dip in the clear waters of the Cisukabirus beside the bamboo bridge in Jarimun (on route B4) on the crossing of the valley between Lemahneundeut and Arca. The cold water (must have been 22C or less) didn't seem to faze him, did it!
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Taman Safari to Arca
That stone road Alex describes from the Taman Safari entrance to Lemahneundeut is certainly a fine walk. In all the walks I've done using Alex's maps I hadn't realised you could enjoy such splendid forest scenery and broad views without ever leaving a broad and comfortable track! That particular section gives a real sweeping impression back towards Puncak and Gunung Pangrango and forward toward Bogor and Gunung Salak.
We also had the pleasure of stopping at Pak Nanang's organic farm in Lemahneunduet Tonggoh, which offered excellent hospitality and a range of delicious-looking vegetables. If we had been at journey's end we could have bought a few kilos of them, but as we had 5 km of walking ahead we had to refrain.
After Lemahneundeut Tonggoh we continued by crossing the Ci Sukabirus to the German cemetery at Arca, effectively a section of the B4 circle route in reverse. This is one of the deepest and broadest valleys on all the walks and the paddy fields in the bottom, always teeming with busy farmers and specked with multi-colored scarecrows, are truly beautiful.
Finding the path down and up the valley is probbaly easier from this direction than coming from Arca to Lemahneundeut. On the other hand, the section between the cemetery and the pine forest is probably much easier to follow if starting from the cemetery side as one section of the path above the pine forest on Pasir Pari is heavily overgrown.
I'm quickly discovering that practically any walk undertaken away from the paved roads in the in the mapped area will turn out to be delightful!
We also had the pleasure of stopping at Pak Nanang's organic farm in Lemahneunduet Tonggoh, which offered excellent hospitality and a range of delicious-looking vegetables. If we had been at journey's end we could have bought a few kilos of them, but as we had 5 km of walking ahead we had to refrain.
After Lemahneundeut Tonggoh we continued by crossing the Ci Sukabirus to the German cemetery at Arca, effectively a section of the B4 circle route in reverse. This is one of the deepest and broadest valleys on all the walks and the paddy fields in the bottom, always teeming with busy farmers and specked with multi-colored scarecrows, are truly beautiful.
Finding the path down and up the valley is probbaly easier from this direction than coming from Arca to Lemahneundeut. On the other hand, the section between the cemetery and the pine forest is probably much easier to follow if starting from the cemetery side as one section of the path above the pine forest on Pasir Pari is heavily overgrown.
I'm quickly discovering that practically any walk undertaken away from the paved roads in the in the mapped area will turn out to be delightful!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
The End of an Idyll Nears

The stone road from Citeko Panjang in sector C to Lemahneundeut Tonggoh in sector B, with its many hairpin turns, offers hikers a easy stroll through tea gardens and old stands of pine and damar with plenty of shade at an altitude of about 1000mdpl. This is one of the easiest walks in the mapped areas, nearly level, about 5-6km long, with views that delight far in excess of the modest effort that it takes to walk this road. On Sunday, 16 Nov, I had the pleasure of walking it with John Hargreaves and Jody Randall, who, I learned, have explored all of the circle routes on the 4 maps since early 2007. Not a single car passed us, and there were no other hikers. We saw two eagles soaring nearby amid the tea gardens.
Those of you who enjoy such walks had better do this road soon. Before long, if all goes according to plan, it will be an improved "alternative" asphalt road with high-speed traffic zipping from Gadog (at the end of the Jagorawi toll road) to Taman Safari. Our first hint of this was when we found the last half kilometer or so near Lemahneundeut to be well paved, for the first time since I hiked this road in the mid-Nineties. The road up from Pasir Muncang to Lemahneundeut Tonggoh has also been repaved. John was able to elicit the full story of this development scheme from a villager during a rest break.
Monkeys Sighted Again on Route B2 Pancawati
Robert (Baldy) Baldwin, who lives in Pancawati village, submitted this post.
Empad and I took off from my cabin in Pancawati village at 06:45. The weather was fine having rained most of the previous day, the views of Mt Salak and Pangrango majestic. Walking through the farmlands south of Pancawati village was a little discouraging, the locals crops have been hammered by viruses, with too much rain and fog. We got to the forest edge around 8:00 and heard monkeys calling off to the right. After a search through the trees we spotted a large black monkey sunning itself. After a few minutes, branches in surrounding trees started waving and we saw smaller grey monkeys frolicking around in the top of the canopy in Pasir Kramat.
After entering the forest we headed up Pasir Pancawati. The walk was pleasant as the tree cover shaded us from the sun and the forest floor was damp and cool. Upon reaching the top of the ridge we encountered another group of monkeys. Seeing us, a group of 5 or 6 black monkeys bolted from high in the canopy and disappeared from sight, leaving only the crashing sounds of cracking branches behind as they decided we were best avoided. After 2 and a quarter hours we emerged from the forest. It had been a couple of months since we’d passed through there and the grass was significantly higher.
By 11 o’clock we were at the chicken farm. We soon turned left on Jl LBC and after 200 meters turned right into the asphalt road at the top of Leuwilarangan ridge, the valley a lush green with new padi. Many villas here are owned by senior media folk, so I’m told. After about 700 meters we descended the valley to cross to Legok Nyenang. Awesome views until cloud rolled in and drenched us. No bridge over the stream, rock hopping is the order of the day, wet feet virtually guaranteed. By the time we got to the Modern Training complex it was raining heavily. On the Cikereteg main road we stopped for lunch at Pak Nip’s roadside stall. The food was hearty, the coffee great and the hole in the wallet tiny. After lunch we headed down to Lembur Pancawati to finish a couple of beers I’d left in the fridge at Fran’s place a week earlier. The beers were still cold and, as usual, the service superb.
Empad and I took off from my cabin in Pancawati village at 06:45. The weather was fine having rained most of the previous day, the views of Mt Salak and Pangrango majestic. Walking through the farmlands south of Pancawati village was a little discouraging, the locals crops have been hammered by viruses, with too much rain and fog. We got to the forest edge around 8:00 and heard monkeys calling off to the right. After a search through the trees we spotted a large black monkey sunning itself. After a few minutes, branches in surrounding trees started waving and we saw smaller grey monkeys frolicking around in the top of the canopy in Pasir Kramat.
After entering the forest we headed up Pasir Pancawati. The walk was pleasant as the tree cover shaded us from the sun and the forest floor was damp and cool. Upon reaching the top of the ridge we encountered another group of monkeys. Seeing us, a group of 5 or 6 black monkeys bolted from high in the canopy and disappeared from sight, leaving only the crashing sounds of cracking branches behind as they decided we were best avoided. After 2 and a quarter hours we emerged from the forest. It had been a couple of months since we’d passed through there and the grass was significantly higher.
By 11 o’clock we were at the chicken farm. We soon turned left on Jl LBC and after 200 meters turned right into the asphalt road at the top of Leuwilarangan ridge, the valley a lush green with new padi. Many villas here are owned by senior media folk, so I’m told. After about 700 meters we descended the valley to cross to Legok Nyenang. Awesome views until cloud rolled in and drenched us. No bridge over the stream, rock hopping is the order of the day, wet feet virtually guaranteed. By the time we got to the Modern Training complex it was raining heavily. On the Cikereteg main road we stopped for lunch at Pak Nip’s roadside stall. The food was hearty, the coffee great and the hole in the wallet tiny. After lunch we headed down to Lembur Pancawati to finish a couple of beers I’d left in the fridge at Fran’s place a week earlier. The beers were still cold and, as usual, the service superb.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Welcome to the Puncaktrek Collaborative Blog
Hi there. Evan here. Owner of the googlepages site:http://indonesia.outdoors.googlepages.com.

Alex wants to set up a collaborative site where all us Puncak Trekkers can swap ideas and info. And here it is! In my case, I like to post photos of of the various routes, that someone could print out and bring with them to make sure they are on the same track. I have purposely obscured giving clear directions how to do each trek, because we want to encourage trekkers to buy Alex's excellent mapguides. Some may say Rp500,000 is a lot of money to pay for some maps, but what we are paying for is Alex's 15 years of local knowledge. For people who hate wasting time trekking down dead end trails, the Puncak trekker's guidemaps are a blessing. I dont use a GPS or altimeter, I just depend on Alex's maps and trail notes. Cheers Evan www.nedbatam.com/daytrips

Alex wants to set up a collaborative site where all us Puncak Trekkers can swap ideas and info. And here it is! In my case, I like to post photos of of the various routes, that someone could print out and bring with them to make sure they are on the same track. I have purposely obscured giving clear directions how to do each trek, because we want to encourage trekkers to buy Alex's excellent mapguides. Some may say Rp500,000 is a lot of money to pay for some maps, but what we are paying for is Alex's 15 years of local knowledge. For people who hate wasting time trekking down dead end trails, the Puncak trekker's guidemaps are a blessing. I dont use a GPS or altimeter, I just depend on Alex's maps and trail notes. Cheers Evan www.nedbatam.com/daytrips
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Ring Route in Sector B
John Hargreaves posted this comment on his Ring Route trek.
I walked from Nangleng to Lemahneundet Tonggoh last Sunday October 26.Between Bangreng and Pancawati (square I2 on the map) there is a new village called Kampung Baru. There is also a small villa on the north side of the asphalt track in square I6 and a new house on the north side of the junction of the track and the footpath in square I9.I got lost between the Ci Pondokmenteng and the Ci Bedug as there seem to be some paths which are not marked on the map.I also found the section descending from the German cemetery to the Ci Sukabirus hard to follow as there are numerous paths not marked on the map. We eventually found walk B4 point C, but as we were tired and remembered that the descent into the valley there is rather steep we took the long way round via Sampalanlinja instead.It was a good 9-hour walk.Is there any prospect of the Sukabumi section of the maps being published any time soon?
I walked from Nangleng to Lemahneundet Tonggoh last Sunday October 26.Between Bangreng and Pancawati (square I2 on the map) there is a new village called Kampung Baru. There is also a small villa on the north side of the asphalt track in square I6 and a new house on the north side of the junction of the track and the footpath in square I9.I got lost between the Ci Pondokmenteng and the Ci Bedug as there seem to be some paths which are not marked on the map.I also found the section descending from the German cemetery to the Ci Sukabirus hard to follow as there are numerous paths not marked on the map. We eventually found walk B4 point C, but as we were tired and remembered that the descent into the valley there is rather steep we took the long way round via Sampalanlinja instead.It was a good 9-hour walk.Is there any prospect of the Sukabumi section of the maps being published any time soon?
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